Blessed are they that mourn; for they shall be comforted.
Matthew 5:4
When we face painful circumstances, sometimes they seem overwhelming. A feeling of despondency and sadness encompasses us and we feel nothing else. Jesus assures us when we mourn, we shall be comforted.
Mourning takes on many different faces. While many people associate mourning with death, mourning is also any expression of sorrow. We mourn about our own personal struggles, loved ones facing health problems and the loss of those close to us. Loss may also occur through death or other separation.
Lately I've seen many touching Gather posts requesting prayers and support. This is exactly what we need to do for each other when we are mourning. When we offer ourselves to those experiencing sadness and challenges, we provide comfort. We can all be ambassadors for Jesus by giving a little of ourselves to those mourning.
When you are mourning, talk to Jesus about it in your prayers. Reach out to the people around you. In turn, you may find they share your mourning with other understanding folks and you receive more blessed comfort than you ever imagined.
Recently a friend connected me with one of her friends, indicating we shared similar circumstances as caregivers. Her ability to see this connection really touched me. I know she has her own situations to deal with but she was able to reach out to us to help.
In turn, I made a wonderful new friend who reached out to me at just the right time with the reassurance to go on. Her kind words and understanding at that moment meant so much to me. I felt comforted when I needed it most. I knew Jesus answered my prayers by bringing such compassionate people into my midst.
We can all do this for each other. You do a world of good when you take a brief moment to share a bit of comfort with someone mourning. If you are mourning, take time to pray, meditate and reach out to those around you. You will be pleasantly surprised by the immediate presence of His healing grace in your life!
Are you mourning right now? Do you find it hard to pray or share your feelings when you are sorrowful? Do you take the time to reach out to others in mourning? Please feel free to comment and share your prayer request.
Have a beautiful, blessed weekend!
I think we're deeply deprived of encouragment and sympathy in our individualistic society. We keep it all on the inside, making it even harder for people to reach out to others. You're right, it makes all the difference in the world to someone in mourning.