Monday, February 23, 2009

Give Your Woes To Jesus

"Have mercy upon me, O Lord; for I am weak: O, Lord heal me for my bones are vexed."

Psalm 6:2

Do you ever have what is popular to call a "bad day"? Everyone has days that seem to involve challenges at every moment. Is the time our day goes "bad" right around the time we forget to give it all up to Him?

I am learning there are many circumstances beyond our control. We can offer support, make sensible recommendations and give our endless love. But ultimately the answers are His.

My BIL was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. He is currently undergoing radiation and chemotherapy. I cry because he was raised Catholic but like many, lost touch with Him. My husband and other BIL recently visited him. My other BIL brought a Bible and we hope he opens it in his quiet moments.

My mom was hospitalized a couple of years ago with deadly pneumonia and yellow jaundice. She is an incredible woman who prayed and did tai chi. When she got out, she continued to pray and live right to combat diabetes and other health issues. She inspires me to give it up to Him.

I could not visit my mom while she was in the hospital because I was diagnosed with Epstein Barr, strep and sinus infection which she could not afford to be exposed to. I was not allowed in a hospital as I was vulnerable too. I fight back everyday with prayer and healthy living.

My husband had skin surgery for skin cancer this summer. He was diagnosed with precancerous colon lesions this fall. With prayer and a healthier lifestyle, he is improving everyday. I have no control over any of these situations so I give them to Him. I ask others to pray with me. This gives me the ability to do all the other things that need to be done for everyday life.

There are days we are all weak. There are moments when our health conditions seem overwhelming and beyond our ability to endure. He is always there to turn to and ask for help with your weaknesses and vexations. Jesus came for everyone, not just the bold and the beautiful. Each spirit matters no matter what type of body it is housed in. Give it to Him and you will feel lighter, better and turn a "bad day" into a good one!

Do you have any weaknesses or vexations? Have you given them to Him and seen them turn around? Does praying for and helping others help you feel better about yourself during difficult times? Feel free to comment. If you wish you share something you want us to pray for, please feel free to include it below.

Have a beautiful, blessed day!

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