Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Thanking Jesus Everyday

"Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

I was inspired this morning when I a friend shared a poem she found in her mother's Bible about thanking Jesus. It was an excellent reminder to be thankful to Jesus everyday.

Yesterday we discussed the importance of asking for what you need from Jesus. We also know we often turn to Jesus when the going gets tough. It calls to mind a memory of a biker friend of mine from years ago. He did little more than grunt about Jesus but fell to his knees in prayer when a friend was involved in a tragic fatal accident. Our mutual friend's funeral was filled with big, tough guys crying and praying to Jesus.

Jesus is always there for us when we need his love and help. But are we there for Him during the good times? Do we forget Him when everything is going well and we're having fun? He asks us to pray without stopping and to give thanks for everything. When we thank him, our lives become even more fulfilling and productive.

When you are living the good life, remember to include Jesus in the joy. He loves to hear from you when you are happy. After all, isn't it thanks to His grace when something wonderful happens?

It reminds me of day when everything was going well. Hubby and I got a windfall and I really needed a car. We had two very old vehicles we bought for under $500. Both had fallen apart within a couple of months. I was walking with a double stroller to go to church, the library, grocery shopping and to visit friends for months. Because we live in the boonies, it's a long walk to get anywhere.

I used the walking time to connect with Jesus and always felt thankful for my kids, the stroller and my working legs. The children and I sang simple songs together along the way. The one I remember most was "This Little Light of Mine". They would sit in the double stroller, singing and coloring, while I pushed and marched forward. They were very joyful days but we had to get a car as my husband's old truck was barely running. We would be stuck in the boonies with no transportation as public transport is almost nonexistent here. My husband is a disabled veteran and the nearest VA hospital is over 50 miles away.

Through another blessing, we got the cash to buy a car. I felt selfish praying for more but I quietly asked Jesus for the car I always wanted. It was a modest request but I still felt rather self-indulgent. We were buying used so finding it in our country neighborhood would certainly be a miracle. My mom came out to watch the children so we could focus on getting a new family car.

My little tale brings asking for what we need and thanks together. The first car dealer we stopped at had the exact car I wanted right down to the color and detailing. I knew Jesus was blessing me, I felt it all around me. Four years later I still have this car. It will bring my daughter to the pediatrician today, a 60 mile round trip.

The car means much more than the granting of a wish or a self-indulgent desire. It represents the ability to work, take care of my family and get the people I love the medical attention they need. Jesus knows our needs and always provides for them, even when we think it is impossible. To show him how much it means to me, I thank him everyday for this blessing. When I get in the car to drive, I thank him again. After all, He did not have to bless me with exactly what I wanted and I would have been happy anyway. His generosity is truly incredible!

This is just one of the many times Jesus blessed me beyond my ability to comprehend. Because his blessings are so abundant, the feeling of gratitude overwhelms me. At every meal, we give thanks because it's a blessing to eat with today's economy. With each safe trip home, we give our thanks. When a sunny morning wakes me with warmth, I thank Him. With so many examples of His love, I feel the need to sing, dance, write and give thanks in His name throughout the day :)

Do you have examples of Jesus blessing you beyond your wildest dreams? Have you had a prayer answered more quickly and fully than you ever imagined possible? Do you make sure to give thanks everyday to show your gratitude? How do you show your thanks to Jesus? Do you remember to thank him for the things such as your health, family and friends? Please feel free to comment about it.

Have a beautiful, blessed day!

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