Thursday, February 12, 2009

We Must Rest To Renew Our Faith

"And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest awhile: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat."

Mark 6:31

The hectic pace of daily life can consume our faith, hope and positive perspective. As we scurry to accomplish our goals and take care of our families, we leave little time to rest and renew our spirits.

Jesus lets us know we need to depart from the mayhem to rest for a short time. Without a quiet time away from all the noise, we cannot hear our inner voice. Often we do not make enough time to even eat a decent meal.

Without reflection and nourishment, we are unable to give as much as we want to our jobs, families and lives. It becomes a vicious cycle of trying to fulfill our responsibilities and feeling too exhausted and frustrated to go on.

Last night I realized the importance of slowing down to renew all those tired cells and strengthen my faith. I am participating in a unique online weight loss group with a bunch of other writers. Our latest assignment was to take a soothing bath and get creative, just let it flow.

For a brief moment, I wondered how I could possibly relax with overdue writing assignments, Valentine's parties at school and homework to do. I looked around and realized the house needed cleaning. Should I really take a bath?

Since I'm committed to getting healthier and losing 10 pounds, I did it. I lit a scented candle, put on a soothing tropical rhythm CD and poured a glass of wine. I filled the tub with sea salts and hot water than sank into its depths. Aaahh, the relief.

I spent time praying, visualizing and just letting go. I felt carefree, lighter, completely relaxed. After soaking awhile, I emerged and put scented body butter on my legs and arms to soothe my skin.

Once I was dry and wearing my flannels, I looked up at the clock. It only took about a half hour to completely unwind. For some reason, I always think I'll lose the day if I take time out for awhile.

I woke up energized and refreshed this morning instead of tired and stressed. I still had Valentine's preparations for school, backpacks to put together, kids to send to school and an inbox full of messages from clients. Instead of feeling anxious, I felt calm and well-prepared.

Jesus found little time to himself on Earth because so many people wanted to experience His healing grace. Despite his importance, Jesus never got egotistical. He realized He needed to step back and rest so he had more to give. He let us know we need to step away, eat and rest so we have energy for the many tasks at hand. Our faith waivers when we don't take essential time to rest and rejuvenate.

Do you forget to take time out and wind up burnt out? How to you relax in the middle of a busy day? Please feel free to comment about your experience.

Have a beautiful, blessed day!

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