Thursday, March 5, 2009

To Have A Friend, Be A Friend

A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.”

Proverbs 18:24

Are you lonely and wonder why you don't have friends? Do you wait for someone to ring the telephone or knock at your door? Is your mail filled with bills with no letters or cards from special people? Is this how you should gauge friendship?

Imagine if you woke and and thought why don't other people have friends? Are they waiting for someone to ring their phone, knock at their door or send a letter? How can I be a better friend to more people today? Loneliness subsides when we think about being a friend rather than having a friend. Before you know it, you are surrounded by loving friends!

I remember moving into our new neighborhood years ago with two small children. I had no car and didn't know anybody. I did have a double stroller and plenty of energy so I walked everywhere. From the church to the library to the local grocery, we got around and talked to everyone. From thugs with unleashed pitbulls to grouchy grandmas with locked gates, everyone was a possible ally. I voluntered to help whenever needed and brought the little ones along.

Years later, the bus driver we chatted with is our local legislator and a dear friend. Nana opens her gates to give the kids goodies. The thugs smile and tie up their dogs. We weren't afraid to hold doors, listen to problems and watch kids. When we needed to borrow cars, get towed or needed assistance, all the folks were more than happy to offer help.

Recently friends from our old neighborhood bought a house in our new neighborhood to start a family. They are eager to make friends so I offered to introduce them around. I asked about their neighbors and got a negative reaction. When I probed to see if they actually talked to their neighbors, it didn't seem they knew them very well.

Sometimes we base our opinions about people on “how they look”. That doesn't really give us a clear picture of who they are. People have all different appearances and preferences but most have something good to offer when you find it. It's amazing how people see the good in you, too, when you recognize it in them. When we gaze with a judgmental eye we tend to jeopardize potential friendships.

It's a dangerous world we live in today and certainly people must exercise caution both in person and online. On the other hand, most friends start as strangers. We must have faith to make friends and remember throughout our journey, Jesus is our friend and guiding light. If you don't take the risk to be a friend, you won't enjoy the love and support of having friends.

Are you lonely and want to make friends? Do you bring people together as friends through your own special actions? Did the love of Jesus help you to make more friends through giving from your heart? Please feel free to comment or write your own post at Gathering 4 Jesus.

Have a beautiful, blessed day!

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